Shepherds and Stewards have adopted "Scripture Union's" simple method for meeting with God. Consisting of four parts, begins with the selected Bible passage and moves to meditating, praying, and contemplating what God is revealing in the Bible:
Consciously prepare yourself to meet with God by opening your heart and life to His presence. Pray that God will speak to you as you read His Word, and that the Holy Spirit will help you understand and respond to what you read.
Read the Bible passage carefully, listening for what God is saying to you.
Meditate on the meaning of the passage on your own before you read the "devotionals". The following questions may help:
- What is the main point of the passage?
- What does it teach me about God?
- What might God be saying to me personally through this passage?
Turn your discoveries about God into worship and your discoveries about yourself into a fresh resolve to do what God says. Decide to share your discoveries in word and action.